Join the first meetup of the South Lake chapter of the Tahoe Psychedelic Society.
Bring food / drinks to share and conversations you want to explore!
6PM Doors open
6-8PM Potluck and Unconference
8PM - 10PM Back-to-Back DJs and dancing
What is an unconference?
An unconference is a style of meeting where the topics for discussion are generated by the participants. The assumption being that you already have lots of experience or interests that you would like to share or explore. At the beginning we will do a quick round of introductions and everyone will briefly share what they want to talk about. Then a quick round of voting determines the most popular topics for discussion. The top few topics will split off into groups where people are welcome to join. If you feel you are learning or contributing, stay; if not, move on to another group. After the time is up, we will join back up and share the highlights of the discussions.